
Here are some of the projects I’ve worked on in the past.


Xournal++ is an open source, cross-platform note-taking program implemented in C++ using GTK 3. It is primarily used for taking hand-written notes via a stylus, but it also supports LaTeX, audio recordings, and text annotations. Xournal++ can also be used to annotate PDF files.

I have been one of the primary maintainers of Xournal++ since early 2019: in addition to fixing bugs and implementing new features, I also triage issues, manage the build configuration, and create new releases.


SimPL is a toy imperative programming language with some features inspired by functional programming (see the README for details on what the language is like). It has a compiler (implemented in Haskell) that targets LLVM. I started working on SimPL because I wanted to learn how to implement a compiler for a functional language, though I later lost interest in it.


Tempget is a cross-platform, parallel file downloader written in Rust. I wrote this because I got annoyed at having to write shell scripts to download files.